Thursday, 30 July 2020

Learning Through Play

This week we started LTP ( Learning Through Play) in the Moana syndicate.  LTP is when you learn new things and skills while playing.  There are four options for LTP: Junky monkey,
Makey makey, Cardboard nation and Planet construction. 
But I only did Makey makey this week so I don't know what you
do in the other activities. 

Makey makey- Are cool little packed boxes with a motherboard, alligator clips, which are clips that join onto the motherboard, spare wires for connecting things, instructions and stickers, which we didn't use. I went to Makey makey with my friend and we made a piano and bongo drums with pillows, so when we touched the pillows they made a sound like a piano or bongos.
I really enjoyed Makey makey, but next time I would like to go somewhere different.

Thursday, 2 July 2020


This week is the last week of the term, and has been pretty crazy!
 We even had to do a Just Dance performance for
one of our priorities! One of my favorite tasks
was the Matariki jigsaw puzzle.

The jigsaw pieces asked questions
about Matariki and we had to answer them. The 
teacher put fact cards around the class that we had to
find to be able to answer the questions.

 After we had written all of the facts down, we had to 
color in the jigsaw pieces and cut them out. 
Once we had cut them all out we got a piece of A3 
 colored paper,  put the jigsaw together and 
glued it onto the paper.

This task was really tricky because we had to 
glue the pieces together without making them overlap! 
How do you celebrate Matariki?