Thursday, 28 March 2019

My 8th Birthday

Saturday was the day before my birthday.  Mum took me to Pharmacy 53 to get my ears pierced.
For my earrings I chose tiny little silver studs because my ear lobes were tiny!  We picked up Lila   (because I was having a sleepover with her) and went home.  Me, Lila, Mum, Dad and Tosh went out for dinner at the Marina and we had a beef kebab with a garden salad and hot chips.  Mum had made pavlova so we went home had that and watched a movie.

In the morning I was so excited I think I woke up Lila, oops!  I got a Barbie with a kayak and jet ski.  I also got a helmet, some pants and a really cute fluffy bunny keyring.  We had pancakes and then played till about 10 am.  Then Lila went to motocross.  Oh!

We had a big lunch with family and I got more presents and I loved my pillow that was shaped as a star and I could hang my bunny on it.  I had the best day ever.  Even the Marina lady said her 8th birthday was the best because 8 goes round and round, it's the symbol for infinity.

1 comment:

  1. Esther this is the best story I have ever seen.


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